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2023/09 舞鈴劇場《美麗島嶼》歐洲首演在捷克

|   首演資訊

  • 時間:2023/9/13 19:00-21:00

  • 地點:Hudební divadlo Karlín, Křižíkova 283, 186 00 Karlín

|   舞鈴劇場

1986 年成立的舞鈴劇場以扯鈴為軸心,結合了東方傳統技藝與西方現代表演藝術,其獨特的鈴舞演出(Diabolo Dance),跨越語言、文化與年齡,帶給全世界的觀眾難以忘懷的驚喜體驗,也獲得各界廣大的讚賞與迴響。

|   美麗島嶼

透過人、鈴 、線 、音樂及圖騰交織而成的協奏曲,讓觀眾們透過舞者的演出,一起看見與感受到臺灣的希望與美好。

|   扯鈴是什麼?


|   如何贊助我們



  • Platinum Sponsorship: CZK 50,000 or more

  • Gold Sponsorship: CZK 20,000 - CZK 49,999

  • Silver Sponsorship: CZK 5,000 - CZK 19,999

  • Hearty Sponsorship: CZK 1,000 - CZK 4,999



Platinum Sponsorship:

  • 25 tickets

  • prominent logo placement on marketing materials

  • recognition during the event

  • a booth in the hall for 900 people, 

  • opportunity to distribute promotional materials at the event

  • 4 vouchers for TCML courses

  • other customized benefits negotiated with the sponsor

Gold Sponsorship:

  • 16 tickets

  • logo placement on marketing materials

  • recognition during the event

  • access to performers and crew

  • ​3 vouchers for TCML courses

  • other customized benefits negotiated with the sponsor

Silver Sponsorship:

  • 4 tickets

  • name recognition on the website

  • ​2 vouchers for TCML courses

Hearty Sponsorship:

  • 2 tickets

  • ​1 voucher for TCML courses


There are other complimentary offers on your choice:

  • Display logo on web page

  • Display logo on poster

  • Recognition on web

  • Booth on site

  • VIP access

  • No. of VIP seat

  • Premium seats

  • General, Backdrop and logo plate

If you are interested in supporting us or have any questions, please contact us.

|   合作單位

|   活動贊助商

  • Platinum Sponsor

  • Gold Sponsor

  • Silver Sponsor

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